As an oncologist treating cancer patients in the US and India, the past four decades have been a constant journey in search of several ills of the society, and I often realized how little I know about them. Antardhwani is born out of the urge for their deeper understanding and the thought of engaging in something more sustainable with the aim to bring a change in the society at large.

I have always wondered why just 1% of the affluent elite dominate the rest of the country or the world. At the crossroads, India needs groups and people who will focus on rebuilding the nation in a strategic manner and drive lasting change rather than aiming immediate and momentary outcomes. Just like the difference between charity and philanthropy - not just help but search for the root of the problem and find a lasting solution.

Born with this mission, Antardhwani will focus on the actual hurdles in the way of social and economic prosperity of our country, and work with a sustained, realistic approach to remove them. At the outset of its ambitious and challenging journey, I wish Antardhwani all the success with the belief that it becomes the powerful inner voice of people.

Dr. BS Ajaikumar
Executive Chairman, Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd.(HCG)

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